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Best Companies Hiring Developers - Stack Overflow
We consult, create and implement sustainable solutions using the latest technologies - from cloud engineering and artificial intelligence to Blockchain/DLT. ☁️👩‍💻👨‍💻⛓️🤩We work with banks, insurance companies and industry. 🔝We are distinguished by challenging, often difficult projects, various technologies and a team of 1,400 experts who like to work together! 🤜 ...

How to find all SQL Agent Jobs that call a given stored-proc
Here is a query that will give you that and more (look at the WHERE clause for the stored proc name):. SELECT [sJOB].[job_id] AS [JobID] , [sJOB].[name] AS [JobName ...

Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server - Stack Overflow
I created a procedure to search text in procedures/functions, tables, views, or jobs. The first parameter @search is the search criterion, @target the search target, i.e., procedures, tables, etc. If not specified, search all. @db is to specify the database to search, default to your current database. Here is my query in dynamic SQL.

How to find which SQL Server job is using the stored procedure?
Though there is nothing which gives you the exact stored procedure, but you can search with keywords. SELECT j.job_id, s.srvname, j.name, js.step_id, js.command, j.enabled FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs j JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js ON js.job_id = j.job_id JOIN master.dbo.sysservers s ON s.srvid = j.originating_server_id WHERE js.command LIKE N ...

Semantic difference between "Find" and "Search"? - Stack Overflow
I would say that "find" is focused on getting a single, exact match. As in the example above, you "find" the perfect PHP job. OTOH, you "search" for jobs that meet your criteria. Searching is what you do when you want to graze through several results. "Search" returns pages of results. "Find" is closer to "I'm feeling lucky."

View the DBMS jobs log oracle - Stack Overflow
AFAIK, there's no information in the database itself available for jobs using the DBMS_JOB package. You'll have to look at the file system, as suggested by CorradoPiola. That's one of the many, many reasons why you should switch to DBMS_SCHEDULER instead.

How do I search for an available Python package using pip?
I would like to be able to search for an available Python package using pip (on the terminal). I would like a functionality similar to apt-cache in Ubuntu. More specifically, I would like to. be able to search for packages given a term (similar to apt-cache search [package-name]), and; list all available packages.

Ansible Tower REST API: Is there any way to get the logs/output of a job?
Once you launch a template you get the job-id in response but I don't think there is a API to get the output of the job. However from the dashboard under jobs section you can download the individual job output.

From Jenkins, how do I get a list of the currently running jobs in JSON ...
I have a view defined using View Job Filters Plugin that filters just currently running jobs, then you can use /api/json on the view page to see just the jobs that are running.

python - Find a value in a list - Stack Overflow
As for your first question: "if item is in my_list:" is perfectly fine and should work if item equals one of the elements inside my_list.


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